The goal of the DeConPro project is to design and implement research infrastructure for cyber-physical production systems in South-Tyrol. The main focus of this automatic laboratory equipment is to perform applied research in the fields of decentralized control strategies for self-organisation, parametrization and optimization of highly flexible production processes. Different control types will be examined and designed, then implemented and validated. These control types will be also enabled by innovative components such as smart workpiece carriers and flexible transport systems. Besides future research projects achieved thanks to this platform as well as relevant scientific and applied results, local companies will benefit from a larger exchange of information and best practices and they will take advantage of the synergies generated throughout the entire project.
Project details:
Project name: ERDF 1017 DeConPro - Decentralized control of production processed in the Factory of the Future [CUP: B56J16001730001]
Operational Programm: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) – Investments in Growth and Employment 2014 -2020. First Call – Axis 1 Research and Innovation
Project budget: EUR 744.495,28
Project Partner: Fraunhofer Italia
Project duration: 2.2017 – 03.2020