The Engineering Excellence for the Mobility Value Chain (EE4M) project addresses the increasing need for training, re-, and upskilling of engineers in the mobility value chain to adapt to the recent developments of Industry 4.0 / Industry 5.0 (smart operations management) and sustainability (sustainable operations management). EE4M focuses on the professional development of smart and sustainability competences of engineers in the mobility value chain by offering innovative Vocational Education and Training (VET) micro-credential modules supported by a transnational Centre of Vocational Excellence (CoVE).
Project details
Name: EE4M
Funding programme: ERASMUS+ 2022
Project Coordinator: Montanuniversität Leoben
Duration: 05.06.2023 - in corso (48 mesi)
Budget: € 3.525.985 (totale), € 150.142,00 (Fraunhofer Italia)
EE4M website: http://ee4m.eu/
For more information on vocational excellence: ec.europa.eu/social/vocational-excellence