The project "MeranSmart: an inclusive and digital city" is an initiative of the municipality of Merano with the aim of making our city smart, intelligent and socially inclusive for the future.
The project is carried out by the social cooperative independent L. based in Merano as a nationwide competence centre in the fields of assistive technologies, smart home automation, digital accessibility and removal of architectural barriers in cooperation with Fraunhofer Italia Research based in Bolzano, which is one of the largest research societies in all of Europe.
The interviews
Between March and April 2018, more than 25 individual interviews are planned with selected stakeholders at independent L., with the aim of gathering significant opinions on:
What does it mean to turn Merano into a smart city?
Which services work? How can they be improved/digitised?
The collected data will be processed anonymously. For all participants who agree, we publish a photo to thank them for their valuable cooperation.
In the second part of the project, thematic working tables will be organised with selected stakeholders to debate in small groups on key issues, including population, mobility, urbanism, security, energy, tourism, digitisation and social issues.
How can I track project progress?
All news, photos, short reports and news about the project are available on the Facebook page Meran SMART CITY Merano.
The project aims to define a "requirements specification" for the spa city with regard to its future development as a smart city, i.e. to define long-term guidelines for digital urban development that are sustainable and coherent with existing plans. The starting point for this is an inventory and analysis of the opportunities and perceived risks as well as the existing level of knowledge about these developments.
Through the active involvement of all stakeholders, the needs and expectations of Merano's citizens and businessmen are analysed. For this purpose, representatives of the public administration, but also associations, tourism specialists, merchants, entrepreneurs, craftsmen and municipal service providers for the transport of people, energy supply or waste disposal are interviewed on the topic, as well as the weakest members of society, such as people with disabilities, the elderly or families with children.
We will soon be organising an opening event for the public presentation of the project, to which we will of course also cordially invite you!
What do we expect?
To collect valuable information for a digital and inclusive city Merano, to summarize the results in strategic guidelines for the future urban development and to present them in the context of a public closing event.
Project details
Project promoted and financed by the Municipality of Merano, Office for Roads and Infrastructure, with Decision No. 2306 of 29.12.2017.
Project partners: Fraunhofer Italia; IndependentL.
Duration: 19.02.2018 -15.06.2018
Website of MeranSmart: www.facebook.com/meransmartcitymerano/