
In recent years, manufacturing has been one of the stable pillars of European economic growth and thus prosperity. As one of the advanced technologies for industry identified by the European Union, photonics is a relevant “deep technology” that plays a key role in supporting and innovating the manufacturing ecosystem.

In Europe, there are several initiatives that facilitate collaboration in the field of photonics, however, no support has been available for the coordination of interregional collaboration in the field of advanced technology focused on “photonics for manufacturing”.

The DeepSupport project therefore aims to establish an interregional deep tech innovation support network for manufacturing with a focus on photonics. The result will be a common cross-regional strategy with best practice measures for the use of deeptech/photonics to support European missions and the competitiveness of companies. This strategy will be jointly developed by the relevant regional stakeholders from government agencies, research, industry and other decision makers. It will include concrete steps to exploit the complementarity and cooperation potential of the regions to ensure cross-fertilization.


Project details


Operational Programme: Horizon Connect

Project partners: JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (AT), Bay Zoltan Alkalmazott Kutatasi Kozhasznu Nonprofit KFT. (HU), Fraunhofer Italia Research Scarl (IT), Photonics Finland (FI), Regionalna Razojna Agencija za Podravje – Maribor (SI), Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft (AT)

Duration: 01.01.2024-31.12.2024