In the project Fraunhofer Italia focusses on system architecture and the development of a digital twin to optimize packaging processes. Its contribution begins with the derivation of requirements for the digital twin case study, laying the foundation for a structured and efficient integration of the system into the existing production environment.

A crucial aspect of this work is defining and developing the necessary interfaces that enable seamless communication between the digital twin and the provisional management system. This ensures an effective and reliable exchange of information, which is essential for synchronizing production processes and dynamically adapting to new requirements.

In addition to establishing the system framework, Fraunhofer Italia is responsible for implementing a functional prototype of the digital twin specifically aimed at packaging optimization. This prototype operates within a controlled test environment, where it processes provisional data to simulate and analyse production scenarios before they are executed on the actual production line. By modelling the capabilities of different system components, the digital twin allows for precise assessment of technical feasibility, cost optimization, and environmental impact reduction.

Through this work, Fraunhofer Italia enhances the project’s ability to deliver a flexible and intelligent production system. By leveraging digital twin technology, companies can dynamically adjust their packaging processes, improving efficiency and sustainability while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. This contribution is essential for achieving SmartFlexPack’s goal of transforming packaging production into a more adaptable, resource-efficient, and innovative system.


Project details


Funding: FESR 2021-27 2nd call priority 1 “smart” research and innovation

Budget: € 515.526,92  (total), € 350.946,97 (Fraunhofer Italia)

Project Coordinator: A. Loacker Spa 

Project Partners: A. Loacker Spa, Fraunhofer Italia

Duration: 01.01.2025 - 31.12.2027